GBLite (Watermark)

The GBLite (watermark) Soil moisture sensor when installed correctly will give excellent results in any soil type.

What is happening to my Watermark (GBLite) sensors?

If you have GBLite installed and they are not wetting up to <10kPa on Irrigation this video could be for you.

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The Watermark sensor in the video was originally installed under a orange tree on the 16-11-2007 the last time it reached <10kPa on a irrigation was 1 year and 11 months after installation. When I uninstall the Watermark on the 10-09-2010 the block was reading dry even when immersed in water. After the repair documented in the video the sensor was reinstalled under an orange tree the at a depth of 20cm and connected to a MEA Gbug. So far the block has now again been wetting up to <10kPa on irrigations. Please see slide show below for Screen shots of data.

28 -06-2012 Update:- this block originally installed on the 16-11-2007 and repaired on the 14-09-2010 after total failure, is still wetting up to < 10Kpa after Crimp repair.